9 min readFeb 18, 2023


Hi Rasmus,

I get excited, too. I'm sorry you erased your previous comment because my reply did have information for how/why/progress. And you know Medium suspended me, ye? Anyway, now we are getting somewhere.

You can apologise for your US English, though! Mon Deo! :) Just kidding. Not your fault. :)

You made some good points nonetheless. It is a passioon project, yes, but not for the sake of the project itself. That would be meaningless. That is why I am so critical of others who talk about the problem, have events, meetups, etc, then say to ask politics for change, then go home. It's a glorified celebration of just meeting. Have you seen My Dinner With Andre? It is long and tedious and the actors are reasonably well-known, but they really like doing things like this. Under-rated for their integrity. The film, like some others, like Mosquito Coost, does bring to light what is an undercurrent of the usury/commodity economic objective: power, not empowerment. Commodity currency sets off everything else to where we are now.

Now to answer your questions:


it was intended to use blockchain, but it seems so corrupt that we have decided to avoid it. No point using a tech with such bad connotations. It is just a tech. It's the project that matters. If it is going to be corrupt, it doesn't matter what I use. You know the crypto stories. Pump/dump./ Useless.

So you understand the parameters?

This is a link to the spreadsheet of current transactions:

There aren't many, but this is not the point. It is to show examples in real time as it happens. If it took you an hour for our conversations, and you or I want to be paid, we tell the other and if they agree, a transaction is recorded. THAT creates the currency, not the other way around like usury/commodity does. You can see at the top there is a tally of total BUXBE created, 3670. That's all there is, created by the agreement of those involved in each transaction. I don't create it, no machine makes it. The people do, on demand. So, all the names of the people on the left own the bank. The amount is not important other than this is how much people love your work, more or less. We can discuss that later.

There is a site called honorpay.org. If you want to honour someone with a gift of reputation, you can do it there. That's Colin's thing, but it makes sense. He limits it to one a week person gifting, so people don't go honour crazy and fuck up the system.

The BUXBE control is all people involved in education get paid B60/h. All, not students pay teacher. Who knows if the teacher is worth it? But the bank will pay all involved regardless, unless it is totally nuts. If it was, all BUXBE communities would know one way or another. Users don't have to show what they bought if they don't want to, and arguably don't have to show their account if asked, but in empowering communities, people become elf-aware. Even if not, read Voyage From Yesteryear. It shows how a simple token structure would work, among other things, and the desire to not live in debt. It's a good book.

The main reason I use education is to make up for all the education people didn't have access to in usury markets, not that a lot of it has much much meaning. Those that want to give more are paid less in usury. Not very intelligent. Education is also abundant, but has quality connected to it. It is really hard to commodify. That's intentional.

OK. Transaction types: Education is ++, Community is +0, Profit +-, Gifting 00. You can decide how to present a project for support. If you want a for profit business, you get nothing from the bank but you have to pay staff at the agreed amount. It doesn't have to be B60/h, but free market decides if less is feasible. You may have a great idea but only offer B30/h. Maybe you won't get people, but you have to prove WHY your project, however it is structured, how sustainable and empowering it is, so you better show your shit. If it doesn't show that compared to others available, you don't have a business.

Or, you can setup your project as a community project. It doesn't matter if it a cafe or bridge or communications or whatever. If the project goes ahead, the bank pays all involved B60/h and the communities get it for free.

I can go on about this but that's the framework.

Decision making would be much like what happens in Switzerland. Direct democracy.

There is no need for tax, fees, loans, etc, because the bank only creates money on demand. If there are no people interested, there is no bank. There is also no connection to usury/commodity currencies. Prices can't be 1:1 with usury. The BUXBE price mechanism is perpetually deflating. I think you can see why BUXBE doesn't take off as you thought. There is no commodity capacity in BUXBE. ZERO! That's a really tough one for people to understand. You get the point, yes?

I am after qualitative profit, not quantitative. Thank Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance for that one. BUXBE is a cushion to let go. I can't say that. Who'd get it? But to experience, in one's own time, that is feasible.

The core is how to perpetuate creating sustainable excellence. I can go on about human nature and all that, but you can call me to discuss further.


What is OAE? You won't see this anywhere except by me. You say I wrote there. I can't remember what that is.

How it works is people make a profile, say what they want or offer. On a transaction, you say amount, what type of exchange, and enter. That's it. No interest, no financial instrument. You are the instrument. What do you want to do with it? Makes sense, yes?

I see you feel I am writing philosophy. Well, yes, but I am not interested in selling philosophy, and I really think this can work. If you don't want to be owned by a bank, here it is. If you want connect to empowered communities, here you go. Wealth is about access to the best experiences, but this doesn't have to be rare. We will never experiences in any lifetime, but at least use resources the best way possible, FOR PEOPLE, not fucking banks.

The other issue is ethics. You may not agree with me on this, but ethics is a consequence of disempowerment. Does that make sense? Yes, EVERYONE has a right to empowerment, but this can't me legislated. That is meaningless. WHO TF made a model that needs control? Same thing with Jubillee years to erase all debt. YTF IS THERE INEQUALITY TO NEED THAT? There is admin for community communications, bank maintenance [which is paid by the bank], but it is designed to lead to self-management, where trust becomes standard. Doesn't mean not to learn to fight or whatever. It is not made for people to become lazy. Farmers do a shit load of work. They are the true gods.

Houses. Yep, you have to work for it. While unlimited debt may be beneficial in short term tragedies, like LETS in Christchurch during the earthquake, it is not in BUXBE. You can ask friends or family for BUXBE, but not the bank. One advantage again of this is you have to explain to the architect/buiilder WHY you want a big house, if that is the request. Etc.

Also, no one is obliged to do business with you, and vice versa. In usury, you have to because a bank owns everyone's ass. None of that in BUXBE. This is why merit and reputation are important.

I can see why you think I am talking philosophy, because I haven't explained how to get it going in reality. Simply, people want to use BUXBE. I ask, what do they want outside of the basics. I go to suppliers [as I would with basics without the need to ask] what do they need, how their business is going, to offer to them that at all people can also be paid in BUXBE, B60/h, and I will go to who they need to keep their business running outside of usury. So I make these networks/clusters/communities connect together in BUXBE economics. Of course, everything leads to farmers, so I first go to distressed farmers and offer them BUXBE staff to work on the farm, again, base B60/h, but say they need to live on site and build a tiny home to be there. Farmer can decide if business is for profit or community project.

So what if people make fake transactions? The amount of BUXBE scammed would have no effect on pricing as volume is totally separate to amount to maintain velocity. However, if they scam enough to use for big purchases, people are going to ask, what do they do to make so much? If they can’t say, or want to keep it secret, they already admit fault. Even if the scam is only built from education, people would still like to see what else they are doing to use the education. If people don’t like it what the answer is, no one has to exchange with them. The criminal will be told to fuck off. He will be reported to management. That in essence would be me, in the beginning, until people get the hang of doing it themselves. Punishment would not be banishment, if I can avoid it, and really, I can’t, but I would explain that all they are doing is cheating themselves. They have to face their fears because there is nothing to fear within BUXBE communities except yourself, if that is what you want to do.

Now one thing you will say if it is a community project, people won't pull their weight, but, no one is forced to work there, and there are loads of permaculturalists who can't use their education. Human nature wants to be known for what they can create to give, to want to trust. Usury/commodity economics fucked that up long ago. It's based on fear.

There is an awesome doco by an art critic:

It is so illuminating about how to package hope for money. This was the transition of tribes to what we call civilisations, in my opinion. Mass money ownership.

There is also a doco called Nothing Lasts Forever, about the diamond market. I am sure you know the story of diamonds, but this gives an expanded framework about it, how much selling external affluence is so easy, but the do-gooders, like us, walk home alone. It's a total mindfuck.

This is why BUXBE is dormant. It takes some enlightened people to see how BUXBE benefits them, to then connect people, for yourself as much as everyone else, to use it. I've tried speaking to the UN, but can't find the right people there, not that they'd get it easily. Too much involved with philanthropy. WEF are a scam. Non-commodity currency is a MONOLITHIC thing to understand, when you want food today. I don't take anything away from this. I do, however, run a completely different system of exchange. Prices will be crazy in comparison. If we total all the work, price paid for them, what the unit cost of something would be, A coffee could be B100+. A house in the high hundred millions. BUT, everyone knows what made that price, and have consultants make price lower, so long as the sustainable excellence ethos is maintained. It has to be. I HAVE TO BE. I may have designed BUXBE, and maybe I will get a free stuff, but it HAS to be sustainably excellent and I have to show I am using it as such.

I am not talking frugal, for me or anyone, but think about how much bullshit money, people, are wasted on? Then people write books about it. Does it change anything? No. I've tried the book, but BUXBE really needs people, and me showing, in real time, how it works in the relevant situations. Anyway, I've tried writing it to make sense. Maybe it needs what i am writing here. What it does need is the mobile website/app. Show transactions, setting up a profile that is useful for BUXBE, not social media, although that could be possible as things develop, but it's the transaction system we need, and scaling that to be foolproof and protected.

Man, I just realised what you are really asking me. How does it actually work, which I have only explaioned in the end. I am happy to discuss through phone. I think that last part does explain it, that being how I infiltrate usury economics, but happy to go through that more in detail over a chat. Much easier.

Does that all make sense? Are you on Twitter or something? Can you message privately on Medium? I will try that and look for your name on social media, if you use it. I'm on Twitter as @XY43137. DM me on Twitter with your number or any media where we can talk. :)




There are lots of currencies out there, but if they do not answer how to incentivise creating sustainably/regeneratively, they’re a waste of time. Mine isn’t.