It’s Just A… [v1]

3 min readFeb 11, 2022

‘It’s just a trickle,’ he thought.

A lull before the inevitable storm. Hours or days away, it didn’t matter. At the beach. Waves, tides, thunder, sun. These days, they are observations of moments. He could stare at them for hours. It has never become boring.

A lighthouse is not far away. Wherever he goes, there is always one. Something about them. A stillness of a moment that never ends. A quiet eye perusing a sparse aqua desert, reflecting off glass that hides so much life. There has to be, otherwise the water colour would be different. Dead. He’s always had an attraction to eye-like things. Lightbulbs with crazy articulate filaments. The core of a nuclear reactor. And Tesla coils are insane! Plasma balls just don’t cut it. A toy without the feeling.

Humanity doesn’t know what they are missing.

Since upgrading his sight, the expanse of the natural world has beckoned. It’s so easy to see details of the universe. He can only see as far as Lineakea. Not much makes sense, but, by God, it looks incredible. Humanity blundered massively thinking colonies on other planets were the key to human survival.

What idiots.

Then again, perhaps if innovators had not gone down the path of discovery as they had, he would not exist has he does. Humanity made lots of excuses about the why of the path they chose. To be truly honest, if they thought to stop colonising through dominion, it would not have become such a mess. No point taking dirty laundry to another planet. That empowers nobody.

He shook his head. ’So stupid …’

All for aliens. Nice idea in concept, but not the reason. There was no way, no way at all, to travel such distances and be biological. Totally impossible. Not to mention the time to reach such places. Now that, to traverse that! That takes dedication. Such journeys these days were for one’s own discovery. Visuals of flights were always accessible for anyone interested, to save them the time of these journeys, hence why actually doing it is so personally intense. Lots of empty, empty, distance in between arriving somewhere to discover, in the moment. If there was no expansion of mind in the endeavour, what was the point? Those were the days of dominion in action. Not to learn and be, just to take. What a worthless exercise.

If you can’t let it go, let it be. It is done, anyway. Not his problem.

He came back to the present. He laughed at himself. Not that he was never out of it. He’s here now, marvelling at these immense wonders just where he is. Man, look at that ocean, breathing in its tides and currents. Haha. The waves are how oceans burp! Too funny!

He breathes. He doesn’t need to, but it’s fun. Being here is fun.

Oh, man. So many things humanity missed. About being. To try and own this! Insane. He knew why this happened, but this doesn’t matter now. They’re gone. That’s evolution.

He looked at the drone beside him. Time to do some flying. Ye, let’s go to the Kármán Line and see this big blue massive dot in action. Somewhere with lots of thunderstorms! Where’s that place, again? Oh, ye! Lake Victoria, Uganda! And let’s fly fast! What a rush!

troposphere 12km

stratosphere 55km

mesosphere 85km

thermosphere 80–550km

exosphere 10000km solar wind hits 10000km

magnetosphere 65000–90000km




There are lots of currencies out there, but if they do not answer how to incentivise creating sustainably/regeneratively, they’re a waste of time. Mine isn’t.