16 min readNov 24, 2022

Pick any statement or question with the word money in it. How would changing the word ‘money’ to ‘people’ reframe what you just said? Have a think about it a bit. I know how it will, but I wonder how you see it, or even admit it?

I’m Frederick Malouf, but you can call me BUXBE. It sounds way better, and it will make sense later. :)

I studied architecture and design, valuing being sustainable, but in practice, few clients cared. The more excess, the better. Excess shows wealth, now more than ever.

On researching what is needed to really make progressive empowered change, I discovered the real problem is money. People will say it’s human nature, but you’re that, too, and you want empowered change, too, so whose human nature are you talking about?

This argument came up over and over. Humanity blames human nature, but never money, specifically, the type of money we use: a usury/commodity one. Usury has been redefined as an exorbitant cost on money, but initially meant ANY cost of using money. Time and learned helplessness has made use acquiesce to using money as we have been educated to accept, and that there is no other option available. Many people have designed different models, but a currency can’t work until it is accepted by others to use. Two problems we have are, everyone wants a solution ready to go today, to get what we want today, or it’s useless, but the other is there is a danger that governing bodies will outlaw it, at the insistence of central banks. Governments do this because if there is no money, there is no political power.

Power is very different to empowerment. Power is over others. Empowerment is with others.

We have all accepted that usury is absolute. We’ve accepted someone has to control it, or humanity will fuck it up. The inverse is true. Humanity really wants to trust, to do good. We find it hard to in a usury world because it is designed to compete to destruction. We have accepted this as inevitable, and so accept our downfall.

The insidious part behind usury is it’s a commodity. Making money on money defines it as such. No banker or financier will tell you this. There is no money in it. Saying only extrinsic things you can hold in your hand are commodities only reinforces us thinking the way they want. Has it occurred to you that you are trusting what they tell you, to not trust others? You have to trust them, need to, because everything centres on them for you to get what you need today, for your job of supporting a family, yourself, today. So you keep going with it, even when it breaks, because that is all you have been taught to know. You have no other choice.

Any currency truly empowering will never get traction. That crypto, EFTs, etc, are going crazy only demonstrates that it poses no threat to the financial system. It’s usury on heroin, with so many exchange options fighting for space WITHIN govt acceptance. Anything opposing the government will be crushed. Again, humanity doesn’t know any other currency type, so this still reinforces the same disempowerment usury has. It makes currency even more volatile, with the ‘printing’ of money going to the moon, not the value of it, which makes more people more desperate, to further disempower everyone.

This may make no sense because we are told people are getting wealthier and we are told there is less poverty, but look at how many increasingly larger projects fail, because there is less money to buy into them? How many new projects, like massive new cities, are being constructed that further disconnect where, and who, makes those resources accessible? How can such projects totally swayed towards the tech metaverse solve the physical trauma we put Earth through, and so traumatise ourselves? How does virtual reality empower humanity when it has absolutely nothing to do with our physical being? Even if the journey being supported is to become AI, there is no way we will overcome biological survival, ESPECIALLY destroying Earth doing it.

This is not empowering. It kills culture and turning everyone and everything into a slave to a synthetc economy that will inevitable fail. It has happened many times already. We are not synthetic.
You may make money, but always at someone’s loss. You think you are winning, but what’s really happening is everyone is losing. Think big enough, and you will see it. Money means nothing without people giving it value. There are better currency types that truly value people. It isn’t usury.
You’ve heard the 3 Ps argument: passion, purpose, profit, but its easy to see there is no fundamental way a business can profit creating sustainably and/or regeneratively. Profit demands planned obsolescence. Things have to fail, otherwise there is no business. This is so obvious. Yes, even the best made items fail, but economics defines failure as fashion. Extrinsic vs intrinsic identity. Why discover identity through experiences when you can buy it on a stick? Yes, going to new places to discover new people are experiences, too, but look at how bottled it is to sell to you?

Look at all the due diligence you have to do to be sure you get the best deal, against who is selling it to you? How is that sustainable? What if you could trust the seller, for your greater good and theirs, where people can be transparent with what’s wrong, but you all know where to fix it, that they will do the best for you, too, because reputation is the true currency?
So what does the solution look like? Reverse the framework. Instead of banks printing money to distribute to the people, let the people create it, by their own agreement to use it. No money exists unless they choose it to be. That’s a bank owned by the people.

That’s why I created BUXBE.

The core tenet of BUXBE is:

How and what experiences can I/we create/decide to empower the most people, in the most sustainable way possible, in synergy with Earth.

There is no bigger bubble than that. That’s where love is.

The 9 fundamental differences of BUXBE to usury/commodity currencies are:

The bank cannot be controlled or owned by anyone, including the creator [me]; only administered. Costs to do this are paid by the BUXBE bank, on demand when work in the bank needs to be done. Such admin will simply be confirming all transactions are going through and tech upgrades and expansion. As there is no commodity capacity in BUXBE, there are no financial instruments, etc, to speculate on making more money, so there is infinitely less energy required to run BUXBE in comparison to usury, crypto, etc. Exponentially less. Maintaining BUXBE will be easy. There are better things to do than run a bank.

It must be free to use. It has to be. This is impossible to change, too. You can’t charge a cost on something no one owns.

People in BUXBE are paid, by the bank, to be educated at B60/h. This is for teachers and students. This is the control to balance the currency and not let pricing and volume run out of control. The gold base of USD$35/oz was a similar thing. The reason why this was abolished as there was not enough gold to cover the volume of money being created, even with fractional reserves, making the USD a ‘reserve’ which is meaningless as all the USA has done is print more money exponentially. This can’t be distributed as it will totally flood the market and destroy itself. BUXBE has no fear of this as the base rate of B60/h for education doesn’t need to change.

Investors are the people themselves. There is no need for loans. There is no third party, to get money, to then buy people to work for you. Your creations must show to the communities involved how empowering and sustainable the experiences you are creating are, to then have people come to you to make it. Such proofs allow the best empowering ideas to be supported and succeed. Currency is supported directly by the people, not a government controlling it. Support for projects is directly proposed to the people. There is no need for loans. If it is the best option for communities involved to support it, the people will come. Remember changing ‘money’ to ‘people’ at the beginning? You have to show why your business is sustainable, how it empowers, educates, all in synergy with Earth. This absolute sphere can’t be broken or expanded. No Earth, no people. Think about how long people have tried to beat Earth, and failed. We accept to keep trying, and failing.

There is no incentive to ‘beat’ the system. Usury demands you fight for the money, legally or not, to then have people fight against you getting it, legally or not. We target human nature as the problem, not the money that created the problems in the first place. Not addressing the core problem, that being usury/commodity currencies, affords people to play the game of rising to a higher level, but not truly looking beyond fear. A pocket of overcoming fear is OK, but overcoming universal fear could lead to no purpose in life. What a tragedy, as that is where life truly begins.

There is only a need for one currency. Commodity currencies have many because they compete for market share, multiplying capacity for speculation, wasting an immense amount of energy valuing money over everything else, and inevitably centrally controlled. A neutral currency, has BUXBE is, values the unlimited capacity and energy of people. One currency to value all people focuses on them and their empowered connection to others and Earth. One good currency is owned by everyone, and has no need to be supervised for its stability. It self-regulates. Only a qualitatively-focused currency can do that. Each person’s account being their own part owning the bank. Being perpetually decentralised is inevitable.

Basing a currency on a commodity makes those using it a commodity, too. Therefore the currency must be scarce to have value. Quantitative abundance is worthless in usury economics. In BUXBE economics, it’s qualitative, accessible, abundance that matters. The only thing that fits this is education. Everyone has a right to education. BUXBE wants to overcome the trauma no access to education has created in humanity. Instead of people paying for education that might be good, or even getting education for free, BUXBE pays for all time spent in education, those teaching and learning, a flat rate of B60/h. Students do not pay teachers. Everyone is a peer. Educators have to prove qualitatively why they are worth learning from. This doesn’t and need not change. Purchasing power is quality driven, not quantity driven as usury economics is. No quantitative currency can achieve this.

The BUXBE bank is not a profit-seeking entity. If it was, it would be a commodity exchange like every other before it, and so would solve nothing. BUXBE serves the people, is the people, valuing and sharing those who empower the best.

Anyone worried about being authentic, being worried if someone is, will be infallible in BUXBE communities. There is no need to be, do, anything else. There is no point. Look all around you in the usury economics, environments, how inauthentic everything wants to be, while those wanting to be suffer. You can’t buy your way out if this with books. I’m noticing there are lots of mentions with media hosts about Dostoyevsky. He is an amazing author with some great insights, but objectifying talking about it is pointless. He also wrote at a time of great oppression, within political structures owned by usury/commodity economics! All political structures are owned by usury. Picking one and discussing it like its enlightening is missing the point.

A new system sounds hard, but pioneers start hard to make it easier for others, and that is OK. Success is not a contest with humanity, but a collaboration. You may think an apocalypse is inevitable, but that comes from ignorance. Apocalypse destroys. Not very sustainable.

The total oxymoron of this is humanity really wants to do good. Look at how many of you WANT empowered change, but don’t know what tool to change it with? How many people are in discussions of wanting to collaborate, but blame the people of their human nature to not want change? Who do you think they are pointing to when they have the same conversation you are having?

Is this where I have to point out ‘same thing, same way, same outcome’? How many times have you heard people honoured for thinking out of the box, but still see no change? Why? Because these ‘changes’ are within usury, so will change nothing,

Humanity has had a long time to accept that money has to be owned by someone to control it, to then be distributed, because we’re told humanity is too greedy and selfish in spite of itself. You see how ridiculous this sounds, but that’s what’s happening. We breathe for air to shout at the joy of life, but only within the bubble money affords.

Humanity has overcome scarcity many times, but usury economics NEEDS scarcity to function. And so, here we are, picking a side for or against money, locked into a system to own resources as the only way out to survive, and leveraging fear to protect it. This totally ignores the unlimited creativity humanity has to succeed collaboratively, with so much to share, in synergy with Earth.

Somewhere in this fear of loss, humanity trusted those who sold a way to hold on against those who could take away, not knowing that this was the intention, still is, and so usury became an ultimatum. For a fee, naturally.
People can say humanity is greedy, but humanity trusted the people that said that. Therein lies the dichotomy, therefore trichotomy, humanity has learned to believe, that now can’t find an empowered way out of, holding onto a quantity of life, not the quality of it. What else is making creative abundance scarce? It’s so stupid.

Humanity has long tried to find a reason and meaning of life. But the real meaning of life is to experience creating and sharing in the moment, to experience the unlimited empowerment people really want to give. That’s what it’s all about! It doesn’t mean it has to be scarce to have value. As soon as a quantified price became the goal, humanity lost its trust in the present, and the natural scarcity of the tribe became an artificial scarcity of identity.

Human nature is not greedy against others for the want of survival. It adapts to its environments to succeed. The human condition, however, is not the process of how it does this. It is the overarching self-belief framework that decides how to do this. Self-belief will never happen, ever, if it is against anyone or anything. It is impossible. Usury wants to sell you it is but it can’t. The people selling it know this, too. The enlightenment humanity wants to reach is to live beyond fear. To trust completely. Sadly, I see that the human condition does not know how to love ourselves as much as we choose to love other people.

And so, here we are today, addicted to money like never before. I remember hearing that in less than a decade after the free love of the 60’s and 70’s, media was selling the greed of the 80’s. It shows how much humanity trusts messages of others selling the way forward, to then find out it doesn’t work, and we do this over and over again. This shows humanity’s true nature. We want to trust, just don’t know how. Humanity needs to trust itself again, and stop being scared.

We all know there’s been a massive push to sell new types of currencies, like cryptos, NFTs, whatever, but it’s all usury by a different name. It doesn’t matter who created it, an algorithm or paper, if there is a cost to it in any way, it is just more of the same. It won’t solve anything. It actually does the opposite, selling money as a cult. It isn’t sustainable because so much more resources are wasted on creating more of nothing. It drives more into poverty, not less. Desperation makes morey, just not for you. This perpetuates more disempowerment, that leads to crime, discrimination, racism, etc.

Look at all the scams because of usury. It happens because all usury is a scam. You are told to trust usury repeatedly, and when it can’t, you are not just told to trust it again, you accept it as you do not have another option. It’s called learned helplessness. Every generation are taught the same story, just with different characters; the hero who overcomes tragedy to be their self, that they fought when others didn’t. That’s the game those that own money want you to play, that you are different to be above those that couldn’t and you receive a reward. What the usury game wants you to miss is all rising above doesn’t mean we are the same. We achieve our being, giving, sharing, our excellence, our diversity, our true freedom.

Humanity wants to trust, wants to be with, not above, others. We have all achieved so much, but through so much destruction. Think if all those resources, so much wasted to give money value, became available to give people abundant, creative, perpetual, qualitative, empowerment, together, not out of ethics, but through excellence? Instead, it falls into the fear humanity is sold, accepting this environment as absolute, to then compromise itself to survive, and so loses the chance of empowered identity.

What humanity really wants to do is play a different game.
If humanity wants to use an exchange model outside of a price on their heads, it has to be something completely different, the exact opposite of what currency is sold as. A currency for the people is created by people, by their agreement, not a political or economic entity accepted as a given authority to create money and distribute as they see fit. That’s not for the people; it’s against them.

Every currency that has been presented for humanity to use, is all about quantity and commodity. This has perpetuated fear, war, power, and status through inequality and discrimination. Earth itself has been and still is compromised in the process. There is no way to empower the world using a system that perpetuates disempowering Earth, and ourselves with it.
Every proposal for empowered change has led to the hope to act, but not able to act. That’s what the people that own money want! Sell hope. That’s all. And so, humanity perpetuates disempowering itself, not knowing how to get out, a way forward, and even when presented with options, is either scared, weak, or just gives in, because to change is too hard. Maybe, but it depends on the alternative. The singular is intentional.

BUXBE is a currency model that takes us back to creating quality, on demand, as the real status measure. Such an economic system never needs to fall back on quantity to function. It overturns the idea that only a few can achieve wealth. It is the exact opposite.

BUXBE affords, defaults, to making the highest quality that warrants quantity to be made, until it is no longer needed. Then you can let go and do something else. Any resources used are designed to be reused, recycled so there is no waste, as best as knowledge allows at the time. If resources were not used with this in mind, you would not get the support to make what you wish to create it.

In using BUXBE, you are empowered to share your highest creation, for yourself, and others that benefit from it. Money becomes the tool it was meant to be: not selling the least quality for the highest price, but the best quality at the lowest price. That’s where reputation really matters. No usury model can do this.

For a currency to support people, it must serve them, not own them. That’s why BUXBE is completely dependent on the people that used to use it. It must be free to use! If it wasn’t, then people are owned by it, so whoever owns the money owns the people. Further, BUXBE has no tax structure. There is no need. Again, if it did, it would prioritise economics, run by politics, over the environment. Abundance is about accessing experiences, not owning objects. This connects self and humanity to discover their identities and cultures, empowered with Earth.

The obstacle I always get is where does the money come from? I say it comes from you, on exchanging something with someone else. I get so many blank stares back because no one understands they are the money, not the bank. That’s the wall BUXBE has to break, and it can’t happen without you. That’s the point! You give money value, not vice versa.
Paradoxically, perhaps, this grounds what a true free market actually is, one based on the most efficient means to share experiences sustainably, prioritising environments, not politics or economics. When entrepreneurship prioritises environment, choices of experiences to create are easier to decide on because it doesn’t compromise anyone. Decision-making is easier because everyone has a voice with others for the greater good. Anyone against this doesn’t understand BUXBE. I don’t think they understand themselves, either.

What BUXBE ultimately achieves is the empowerment to create quality abundantly, in synergy Earth. If it doesn’t, it isn’t quality. It takes humanity out of the desire to own for one’s protection to be safe and give, share, knowing you will be given back. Usury can’t do this. People can say money is just energy between 2 people. You ignore the 3rd person, the bank you accept as necessary, inevitable, and they want you addicted to it. Then everyone, and I mean everyone, loses. Including Earth.

Humanity wants to learn how to get back there when it believes in itself, and possibly not need a quantitative currency at all. The day people decide that BUXBE is no longer necessary will be a very, very, very, good day. That will be an enlightening moment. No one need worry about if someone is paid to say what they do, or if it’s truly independent. In any media you see today, look at how many to find whether it is sponsored or an independent review. That already tells you how disempowering and biassed usury is.
Think of all the energy wasted in protecting wealth using usury. All the duplicity for the same thing, like social media. It wastes so much time! It disempowers so many people! So many scam callers! So many media stories selling fear, because there is no money in equanimity. Look at how much intelligence is given freely through open source, to then be taken away from humanity to be owned and then distributed at everyone’s expense?

People do good in spite of money, not because of it. If this was false, entrepreneurs would not be fighting between power and empowerment.
So many people, all, if there is status to do so, want to do good, but can’t, controlled by the people that own the money that owns you. It owns them, too. They live in fear as much as you do. The more security one needs, the more it shows a systemic problem beyond the need for it.

Why do you accept being owned, leaving the fight for freedom in stories and songs you buy, screaming for the freedom you want, but left only to discuss it, dream of it, instead of living that freedom and empowerment every second in the present of your life, with everyone doing the same!? If freedom could happen with usury, it would’ve happened already.

Humanity has evolved to accept a disempowering illusion that doesn’t exist. Yes, there is always good and bad, but it is the direction they intersect in that makes the difference. The yin yang is not a symbol of good and bad as absolutes, it is a sway of both working together, either towards disempowerment, or empowerment.

Being does, not is. Learn to discover your self again. The gap is intentional. :)




There are lots of currencies out there, but if they do not answer how to incentivise creating sustainably/regeneratively, they’re a waste of time. Mine isn’t.